What’s a Flock Share?
We are a unique type of Community
Supported Agriculture (CSA), providing clean, honest, slow food
to our neighbors and friends. Rather than just purchasing eggs
from a supermarket, your money goes to pay for the cost of
feeding/managing the flock of chickens and maintaining the
pasture. The eggs are seen as a product of your shared animals –
a gift from the flock. When you purchase a “share”, you are
partially sharing in the ownership of the chickens.

This is the best way to obtain raw eggs directly from the farm,
delivered free right to your door! Members are encouraged to
donate their own kitchen scraps to use in the feeding of the
naturally omnivorous hens. In this way, we hope to grow real
ingredients, prevent waste by directly recycling, support local
business and economy, care for the land, reconnect with the
farm, and build community through authentic sustainable food.
How Are The Chickens Raised?
We use a pasture-based approach to raising
chickens – the complete opposite of industrial factory farming.
When our hens aren’t eating grass, seeds, bugs and worms like
they do by nature, they also have an organic grain blend that
comes from a local mill in Buxton – right next door. It’s
more expensive than your typical feed, but it’s worth it to
create the unadulterated food that’s so difficult to find.
Raising hens this way is well beyond the “organic” standard,
which only speaks to what the animals were fed, not how they
were raised.

animals are happy animals. That’s the kind of food I want to
eat, and the kind I want to share with you!
The chickens graze the land openly with the protection of
portable open-air shelters – always happy and dry with plenty of
room to run, and sunshine (when available)! Electric netting
circles the coops to keep out any lurking predators.
The eggs come in a rainbow of colors with blues, greens, browns
and white from our diversified flock. In our system they have
constant access to a “salad” of greens and critters – the real
life of a chicken!
Why Do
You Do It This Way?
fresh pasture stimulates the ingestion of as much greens and
protein as possible, which increases the vitamins, minerals and
overall nutrition of the hens and their eggs, giving the yolks
their golden color. Not to mention their incredible flavor! You
won’t find a better tasting egg in the market. It’s all about
the freshness, and conditions in which the hens are raised.
You’re getting the eggs fresh from that same week, right off the
Raising chickens this way is a lot of good old-fashioned hard
work. But it’s totally worth it, knowing that neither the
animals nor land suffer in the process, but actually benefit
from it.
When Can I Get My Eggs?
“Shares” of the flock are sold on a monthly (4 weeks) or
seasonal (12 weeks) basis. With each share you are guaranteed
the freshest eggs possible from that same week. During the
winter, shares are sold on a more limited basis since chickens
lay fewer eggs when there is less daylight and temperatures
drop. Members may need to take turns skipping membership months
during the darkest months, since the hens lay far fewer eggs
during the winter.
We move with the seasons, and deliver each week on Tuesday, at
any given time between 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. - but generally 10:00 a.m. to noon.
We encourage members to re-use their cartons and will be able to
simply switch out cartons as their new eggs are delivered,
saving you each time you receive your eggs. Finely chopped or
food-processed kitchen scraps may also be donated to the flock
on delivery days. (restrictions apply, see
Our Flock page)
At the supermarket, pasture raised eggs always cost more than
this, often by as much as a dollar or two per dozen. On top of
that, by the time you purchase conventional eggs from the market
they can actually be even older than 6 weeks. When you become a
regular flock share member your eggs are delivered fresh within
just days of being laid.
Now you can cut out the middleman – buy direct from the farm and
get an even better price. Know where your food comes from and
how it was raised. Taste the difference!

DoodleDoo Flock Share
Raised Designer Eggs